Friday, April 6, 2012

Conversations for Good Friday

Next morning Sweezus, Belle et Bonne and Marie met outside the Velosophy office. They were all wearing backpacks and shorts.

Looks like good weather, said Marie.

Except for those clouds, said Sweezus.

It won't rain, said Belle et Bonne quickly. Sweezus, what did you bring?

Not much, said Sweezus. Toothbrush, Panadol, snacks.

What snacks? asked Marie.

Soft snacks, said Sweezus.

They set off. Soon they reached Henley Beach Road. The traffic was light. The clouds darkened.

It's going to rain, said Sweezus.

No it isn't, said Marie. It's just cloudy. Don't worry.

I'm not worried, said Sweezus.

They rode on. Soon they were down at the coast. The sun came out.

See, said Belle et Bonne. The sun's come out.

They rode on.

I hear you're reading Waiting for Godot, said Belle et Bonne.

Yep, said Sweezus. I am.

Funny thing to choose, observed Belle. It's a play.

I know it's a play, said Sweezus. It's a dual-language text. I'm trying to get better at French.

Talk to us, said Marie. We're both French.

What's French for toothache? said Sweezus.

Have you got one? asked Belle et Bonne. 

No, said Sweezus. I'm just anxious. What's French for anxious?

You'll be alright, said Belle et Bonne. Here, have une pomme..

Pardon? said Sweezus.

Pomme, said Belle et Bonne, handing him an apple. Don't you even know that?

She looked directly at Sweezus.

One side of his face had swelled up.

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