Saturday, April 21, 2012

Doing Nothing for Israel and Palestine

Another night, another lecture to attend. 'Paths to a Just Peace for Palestine and Israel'. Professor Freud was enjoying himself.

The Velodrone and Le Bon David met him outside the Hawke Centre. They were two minutes late, so they all had to sit up at the back.

There was a security guard on the door, and an unattended bag on a reserved corner seat.

Look at that! whispered Le Bon David. A bomb!

Keep calm, David, whispered The Velodrone. 

Freud looked at the bag. It looked like the bag of a well-meaning woman, he thought. Nothing to worry about there. But the man in the yarmulka? And the man in the red baseball cap? Could be some trouble ahead....

The moderator, Dr Lynn Arnold, introduced the two guests. They were Izzat Abdulhadi, Head of the Delegation of Palestine to Australia, and Meir Itzahaki, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel to Australia. They had met in the past and discussed peace before.

They explained, as well as they could, the inexplicably insoluble with frankness, sophistry and circularity.

Then it was question time.

Someone asked about settlements.

That depends what you mean by settlements, said Meir.

A section of the audience exploded into giggles.

Respect for the speakers please, said Lynn Arnold sternly.

He's strict, whispered The VeloDrone, winking at Freud.

He's very strict, agreed Freud. I wonder if he knows how attractive that is?

No he doesn't, whispered Le Bon David. He's with Anglicare. Oh I say! Look at that lady down there! She's changed seats. And she's sitting right next to the bomb!

Should we do something? whispered Freud.

No, whispered The Velodrone. Nothing will happen.

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