Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Scot Free In Paris

Did anyone order the lobster? says Vello.

I heard that, says Ageless. What I would like to know is, why am I not invited?

You are persona non grata, says Gaius.

Thank you Gaius, says Ageless. At least somebody cares about me.

We thought you'd still be at the Tribunal, says Belle et Bonne. How did it go?

No problem, says Ageless. I talked myself out of a scrape.

The poisoning? says Gaius.

The tripping? says Niko.

The sausage chucking? says Sweezus.

Yes, says Ageless. I have a silver tongue, as you know. I simply told them that I was a lobster, and subject to a different code of ethical behaviour. Further more, I was not strictly a team member at the time of the offences in question.

Yes, you were, says Niko. When you stuck out your leg, you were.

Lucky you weren't at the tribunal, says Ageless. I got off scot free. Now what's for dinner? I feel like eating seafood.

Everyone looks faintly disgusted.

David changes the subject.

Well, well, says David. Now that the Tour is over, I suppose we all have different plans.

We do? says Vello. First I've heard of it.

As a matter of fact, says David. I am thinking of going to Scotland. It's just a short hop from here. The weather is so lovely at present. And I hear that is not so in Adelaide.

What? says Vello. You are going to Scotland? Why didn't you invite me?

Would you like to come old chap? says David You'd be most welcome. But who will look after Velosophy?

Belle et Bonne, says Vello.

Not me, says Belle. I'm staying in Paris a while.

Well then Sweezus, says Vello. He is quite capable.

Sweezus turns pink.

And Arthur, adds Vello. He is even more capable.

Sweezus turns red.

Arthur? says Sweezus. He looks directly at Arthur.

Not me, says Arthur. You can count me out. I want to be on my own for a while.

No one is pleased to hear that.

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