Monday, June 1, 2015

Into The Startled Arms

Twenty minutes later, Lauren Swales arrives, in a faded blue Kombi.

Cool van! says Sweezus.

It's Bob's, says Lauren. I mean, Surfing-With-Whales.

How's he going? asks Sweezus.

Good, says Lauren. He's been helping me out in the shop. Import and export.

Arthur is peering in the window. A large dog peers out.

Woof Woof!

Shut up Farky! says Lauren.

Farky! says Sweezus. No WAY!

No, says Lauren. It's not him. We named him after your Farky.

But try telling that to Farky.

Farky leaps about inside the Kombi as though being stung by ten bees.

Lauren lets him out.

He leaps into the startled arms of Sweezus.

Well, says Gaius. Hello Lauren. Did I hear a mention of pizza?

Gaius! says Lauren. Here's me ignoring you! Let me find it.

She opens an esky crammed full of small packages.

All for me? asks Gaius, in an attempt to be jocular.

No, says Lauren. The pizza is down at the bottom.

She starts pulling out packages, some of which smell aromatic.

Arthur picks one up and sniffs it. Somehow it falls into his pocket.

Stop it Farky! says Sweezus. Stop licking me!

Farky loves Sweezus, but he is not the old Farky.

He hasn't had four knee reconstructions.

Sweezus puts him down. He bounds around madly.

Here we are, says Lauren. The pizza. I remembered you don't like tomato.

Dear lady, says Gaius. You're a gem amongst women.

He bites into the ham and pineapple pizza with no tomato. Cold but delicious.

Shall we get going ? asks Lauren. I want to get to Adelaide before the shops shut.

Certainly, says Gaius. How do I get in?

Step up, says Lauren. Easy does it. Would you boys like to finish the pizza?

Thanks, Mrs Swales, says Sweezus.

Lauren drives off, without a backward look at Farky.

Makes you wonder..... but oh, surely not.

Gaius leans back into the comfortable upholstery.

So you had concussion? says Lauren. What happened?

I was brought down by echinoids, says Gaius. trying again to be jocular.

Oh yes, says Lauren, It's an epidemic. Have you tried cold and flu tablets?

No, no, says Gaius. Fossils. Bryozoans.

Not a brand I've heard of, says Lauren. Must be new. But anyway, I've got something much better. Try one of these.

Gaius's interest is mildly stimulated. What is she going to give him?

He opens the package.

Good grief! Lava balls!

It's a Chakra bracelet, says Lauren. It'll heal you. Put it on.

But there is NO WAY that Gaius is going to allow lava balls near his chakras.

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