Thursday, January 7, 2016

Holy Of Cement

Come down from that palm tree! says Gaius. I'm certain you don't have cancer.

Baby B-B, drops down from the palm tree.

But I was DETECTED, says baby B-B.

Yes, says Terence. Detected because of my finger.

That's a point, says Dries. His finger! Not baby B-B's.

I've got cancer! cries Terence.

You do not have cancer, says Gaius. You are made wholly of cement.

Holy of Cement, says Terence. That's me. I want my finger back.

Have it, says baby B-B.

It's easier said than accomplished. The finger is stuck on with glue.

I'll help you, says Terence. He pulls at the finger. His finger.

The finger won't budge.

Suddenly, SMASH! The mantis shrimp lunges forward. The finger breaks off, in the middle.

Did you see that? says Dr Yakir. They can pack quite a punch!

Terence picks up his half-finger.

Are there other applications I should know about? asks Gaius.

Certainly are, says Dr Yakir, who is proud of his research. Shall we discuss them over lunch?

I would be delighted, says Gaius.

So would I, says Dries. I too am a shrimp man.

May I ask if you are a Belgian? asks Dr Yakir.

I am, says Dries. And may I ask if you are a Swede?

I am, says Dr Yakir.

How pleasant. And Gaius of course is a Roman.


Terence, baby B-B and the mantis shrimp have not been invited to lunch.

In the circumstances, they are obliged to wait on the grass for two hours.

Terence tries to make friends with the shrimp.

Hit me! says Terence. Ha ha! Missed me!

Hiss! Spit! goes the shrimp. Spiggle!

This means he is drying up fast.

Baby B-B is still pretty sure he has cancer. He repairs to a flower bed nearby.

There he thinks about Mango, and makes up a poem.

Mango with you
I was happy
and now I am sad
Mango I have got cancer
and cancer is bad
my finger
that wasn't my finger
broke off in a fight
with a smug evil shrimp
that is inexplicably attracted
by circular polarised light.

He is proud of his poem. It rhymes. If his finger wasn't broken he would try and write it down.

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