Thursday, January 28, 2016

I Will Bring Him a Pig

In the mayoral office, Mayor Clements opens his drawer.

Help yourself, says Mayor Clements.

He means: to a pencil sharpener.

But there are other things in the drawer besides pencil sharpeners.

While Mayor Clements answers a phone call, Arthur helps himself to a Swiss Army knife.


Bay Terrace overlooks Hog Bay.

Sweezus and Gaius are waiting for Arthur.

Let's wait on the sand, says Gaius.

They go down. Soon a school band member approaches. (Louisa, who played the Marseillaise on the trumpet).

Hi, says Sweezus. You a local?

Yes, says Louisa. I am.

Nice place, says Sweezus. How come they call it Hog Bay?

It's named after some pigs that were released here by Nicholas Baudin, says Louisa. You know who he was?

Nup, says Sweezus.

Just then his phone rings. He answers. It's Vello.

Vello: Thank goodness!

Sweezus: What for?

Vello: You answered. Now listen. Terence has found out you're on Kangaroo Island.

Sweezus: I thought I'd told him.

Vello: He claims you didn't. He wants to join you, and Ssü-K'ung Shu's volunteered to deliver him.

Sweezus: It's not that convenient. We're planning on surfing somewhere mega-dangerous.

Vello: I thought you were supposed to be practising your lines for Candide.

Sweezus: Yeah, in the, I'll be heaps busy. Tell Terence I'll bring him a present. A pig, or a ......

Vello: Too late. They're on their way.

Sweezus: Sheesh!

Gaius is talking to Louisa.

Gaius: Yes, that's where we'll be going. The Emu Bay Shale. Do you know it?

Louisa: Oh yes. It's a geological formation with a major fossil bed with soft tissue preservation, one of only two in the world containing Redlichiid trilobites.

Gaius: Splendid!

Sweezus sees Arthur approaching. Arthur won't like what's coming.

Guess what! says Sweezus. Shu's coming over, and bringing Terence. What a bugger!

He expects Arthur to agree that it will be a bugger.

But Arthur has a different opinion.

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