Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Crushed Can Of Mother No Crumbs

Cafe Bombora.

Surfing-With-Whales stands up abruptly.

Heads for the door with three new group members.

Whales are finished, he says, passing his mother, and casting a dark eye on Nietzsche.

Oh, I hope not, says Lauren. I know some are Endangered. And others are Vulnerable or Insufficiently Known.

He may not have meant it in that sense, says Nietzsche.

I know, says Lauren. I was joking. Although it's not funny. He's in a bad mood for some reason. And I don't think he ate anything.

She gets up to examine her son's empty table.

Just one crushed can of Mother. No crumbs.

Sweezus stops chewing and watches Nietzsche eat his Tastiest Fishburger.

Looks like he's enjoying it.

He has mayo all through his moustache.

Maybe yeah, this might be the right time to ask him.

How's the Fishburger? asks Sweezus

Excellent, replies Nietzsche.

You were ace at surfing, says Sweezus.

Thank you, says Nietzsche.

I was wondering...... says Sweezus.

But I seem to have developed an unpleasant rash, says Nietzsche.

Should've worn a rashie, mutters Sweezus.

Damn. Missed the moment. Nietzsche looks gloomy again.

Lauren returns to the table. Did I hear rashie? Has someone got a rash?

I have, says Nietzsche.

Poor you, says Lauren. Come back to the van and I'll put something on it.

Nietzsche looks hopeful.

They get up and go.

Sweezus is left with the injured Ageless and the disabled Catcher.

Vulnerable, says the Catcher

Insufficiently Known, says Ageless.

What're you talking about? asks Sweezus.

Whales, says the Catcher. Didn't you hear?

Wasn't listening, says Sweezus.

Put something on it, says the Catcher. Lovey dovey.

Ha ha, says Ageless bitterly. Only if you're HUMAN.

But Sweezus is floating along his own stream of consciousness, not registering the complaints of his charges.

Sweezus's thoughts (as they come) : jeez he's a sensitive bugger, now i'll have to wait till lauren creams him up before i can ask him, what'll i say?.... hey friedy, ha ha friedy how's about writing a few words for velosophy, anything you like as long as it's got a bicycle in it, bicycle, yeah, wonder if surfing-with-whales is gonna ride in the tour this year, he's in a foul mood must be his mum or something shit he's nearly my age get the fuck over it, those new boardies were cool hey i wonder if after she's washed em....if he doesn't want them, yeah... but.... do I?  woah looks like he's heading out there with those other guys maybe i'll go with them shit better not after that massivo big bombora beef burger brrp....haah.... it was heaps nice though, and yeah anyway what happens happens .......

Looks like Sweezus might be about to do something foolish.

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