Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Leg Or A Smelling Organ?

How are you feeling? asks Lauren.

Strangely relaxed, replies Nietzsche.

Lauren helps him up from the sand.

Let's get you up to the cliff top and out of those shorts, says Lauren. They're a little worse for wear after your adventure.

Sweezus grabs his friend's third best surfboard, and picks up the Catcher.

Ageless trundles up the ramp behind them, seeing little, smelling nothing.

Surfing-With-Whales is waiting at the top.

Still a few whales out there, says Surfing-With-Whales. That means I can't take another group out.

Let's all go to Cafe Bombora, says Lauren. We can have something to eat, and Friedrich can get his strength back.

Nietzsche looks down at his wet borrowed board shorts. He feels he is getting a rash.

Lauren remembers.

Oh yes, Bob, and your new shorts have got a bit ruined, says Lauren. But I'll wash them. They'll be just like new.

Don't bother, mum, says Surfing-With-Whales. I never liked them anyway.

Nonsense Bob! You know you LOVED them! says his mother.

But Surfing-With-Whales has already headed off towards Cafe Bombora. And buggered if he's going to sit anywhere near MUM and that tosser Nietzsche.


Nietzsche has changed back into his chinos (behind a convenient towel).

He enters Cafe Bombora, with Lauren.

Surfing-With-Whales is at a table in the corner, with some potential group members.

Sweezus is at another table with Ageless, and the Catcher.

Lauren and Nietzsche join Sweezus, and see for the first time the damage the battle has caused.

They ARE in the wars, says Lauren. The Blue Swimmer crab's lost a leg. Will he grow another one?

The Catcher does not like being talked about in the third person.

None of your business, says the Catcher.

What do I smell? says Ageless.

The Legendary Big Bombora Beef Burger, says Sweezus, whose order has arrived. Woo! How awesome is it?

Actually, says Ageless, my smelling organ is damaged. I can't smell a thing.

I would rather have a leg than a smelling organ, says the Catcher.

Interesting, says Lauren. I think I would say the same. What about you, Friedrich?

Leg, says Nietzsche.

I can't SEE very well either, says Ageless. At least HE will grow another. I may be permanently blind. I shall never more set eyes on my beloved......

One eye, says the Catcher. Never more set ONE eye on your beloved.

Lauren thinks it's high time to change the subject.

What are you having, Friedrich? I'm having the Fishburger.

Nietzsche decides to try the Fishburger as well. It is described as the Tastiest Fishburger on the Coast.

Let's see then.

They wait for the Fishburgers. The conversation switches to whales.

That one that breached earlier, says Lauren, I'm pretty sure it was a Sperm Whale. It had the white patches.

It was, says the Catcher. I caught it. I should know.

Sperm Whale? says Nietzsche, shifting uncomfortably, but remembering he is back in his chinos.. You caught one?

Oh yes, says the Catcher. I can catch anything. My next assignment is catching a frog for Gaius. A Bauble.

A Baw Baw, says Sweezus.

Thank you says the Catcher. Of course, it will be much harder to catch a Baw Baw with only one swimming leg.....

Luckily, this is the moment the Tastiest Fishburgers arrive, and the conversation ceases.

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