Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It Works On A Spiritual Level

Surfing-With-Whales has been scanning the ocean for signs of a second whale breaching.

But Lauren has kept her binoculars focussed on Nietzsche.

He has caught a large wave. He is upright. Moving forward. What a hero. He disappears momentarily inside the massive wave tunnel.

( It's a rare wave for Goolwa).

Weeeooow! The surfboard leaps out of the tunnel, spins in the air, and drops into the spume.

Where is Nietzsche!

There he is, struggling in the water. The wave has passed on.

Nietzsche stops struggling.

Is he dead?

No. He bobs up and down for several seconds, inanimately. Then, wonder of wonders, he begins to float gently shorewards as one who is favoured by sea nymphs.

A sobering sight.

Lauren elbows her son, whose eye is fixed on the horizon, seeing nothing.

What? says Surfing-With-Whales.

Get down there, says Lauren.

But Sweezus is down there already.

He pulls Nietzsche out of the water.

Nietzsche coughs. He doesn't look well.

Woah man! Thought you were a goner! says Sweezus.

The surfboard floats in. Ageless lobster and the Catcher cling to it.

They stagger ashore. Which is particularly hard for the Catcher.

Sweezus shakes his head.

What a total, total fuckup.

How's he supposed to ask Nietzsche for anything now?

Lauren hurries over.

Oh Friedrich! Are you all RIGHT?

Nietzsche stares at her blankly.

Concussion, says Lauren. Don't worry, I know what to do.

She performs several mysterious Level Two hand movements over Nietzsche.

She isn't supposed to touch him. There is absolutely no need. Reiki works on a spiritual level.

But there is a little frond of seaweed on his shorts.

Her hand brushes over the seaweed. It appears to be stuck there. She rubs harder. It comes off eventually.

Ach! Nietzsche sits up, very quickly.

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