Saturday, February 25, 2017

What He Failed To Mention

The Reverend Griffith Hughes sits in his usual seat in the State Library.

He turns to his left, and addresses a fellow reader.


The fellow reader looks up.

Would you mind my seat while I go and speak to the librarian, just for a moment?

Sure, says the fellow reader.

The Reverend Griffith Hughes stands up and heads for the desk.

On his way he passes the table under which he often sees Ageless Lobster.

Ageless is not there.

Moulting, perhaps, thinks the Reverend.

He taps on the desk of the librarian.

The librarian looks up.

Yes, Griff?

Last night I dreamed someone enquired for my book.

Ah yes, it was a lady. Katherine Hume. Do you know her?

No, I don't know her. So it was a lady. Is she going to Barbados?

She is not, But some members of her family are going. She was particularly interested in the Barbados racer.

The Reverend sighs.

That know-nothing, Ligon. That's his territory.

I know. I gave her his book.

Chap couldn't even spell Barbados, mutters Reverend Griffith Hughes.

He returns to his seat.

So much for dreams, he thinks, when the following happens:


Gaius enters, speaks to the librarian, and is directed to the seat of the Reverend.

Griff! says Gaius, semi-heartily.

Gaius, replies Griff, in somewhat the same manner.

I had no idea you were a regular in the library, says Gaius. Until Ageless told me.

Good heavens, says the Reverend. You know him!

He is currently moulting in my bathroom, says Gaius. Too much salt in the bathwater almost killed him, My fault entirely.

Well, well, and what brings you to see me, asks Griff. My book?

The Barbados racer, says Gaius.

Griff looks crestfallen.

Before you look crestfallen, says Gaius,(too late) I do know that you failed to mention it, but  you mentioned a number of other things.

I did, says Griff. Natural features, plants, wildlife, I also I presented a paper.

"Of a Zoophyton resembling the Flower of a Marigold", says Gaius. I've read it.

What did you think? asks the Reverend.

Lacking in accuracy and scholarship, says Gaius. Be that as it may, Griff, the thing is, I have a proposal.

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