Saturday, August 26, 2017

Empty Thought Bubbles

The Grand Aquarium de Saint Malo.

Splosh has vanished.

There are queues everywhere, for the five different undersea worlds, and the mini-sub Nautibus.

Baldy stands in the queue for the Shark Ring.

Are they real feathers? asks a child.

No, says Baldy. See this finger?

Madeleine! says her mother. Ignore him!

Why is it orange? asks Madeleine.

Splosh left it orange, says Baldy. So it's like a beak. See?

But it's a finger, says Madeleine.

Not if I put it here, says Baldy.

He wiggles it rudely.

Madeleine! warns her mummy.

Okay, says Madeleine.

 Do you like policemen? asks Baldy.

No, says Madeleine. There's a policeman over there. He looks suspicious.

He IS suspicious, says Baldy. And he's got my green pencil.

Why? asks Madeleine.

I dropped it, says Baldy. Make sure you don't drop anything.

The queue shuffles forward.

Madeleine's baby sister drops a rubber giraffe from her buggy.

Let's see what happens, says Madeleine.

Victor comes over.

He picks up the rubber giraffe and hands it to Madeleine's mummy.

Thank you officer, says mummy.

It must be just when YOU drop things, says Madeleine.

Probably, says Baldy. I'm here on a mission.

What is it? asks Madeleine.

I can't do it, says Baldy.

The queue moves again. Now they have entered the Shark Ring.

Look, Maddy! says Madeleine's mother. Seven sharks, and four sea turtles swimming around us.

Can they see us? asks Maddy.

Suddenly the lights go out in the Shark Ring.

It's the signal for doing what Baldy can't do without his green pencil.

A hush. A sound of paint spraying from a spray can. The smell of fresh paint.

The lights come back on. Yellow paint drips from the empty thought bubbles on the reinforced glass of the Shark Ring.

The sharks and turtles look puzzled.

Oi! What's this ? says Victor, looming up behind Baldy.

I didn't do it, says Baldy.

He couldn't, says Madeleine.

Evidence says otherwise, says Victor, spinning Baldy round roughly. I'm taking you into custody. You don't have to say anything.

Bad luck, says Madeleine. Now you can't go on the Nautibus. We're doing that next.

Baldy looks sad.

Can't I just go on the Nautibus?

Nautibus! You'll get a free ride in my Nautibus! growls Victor, marching Baldy out of the Shark Ring, and straight into....

...Arthur, who is finally back from Grand Bé!

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