Monday, August 14, 2017

Two Red Eyes

The two wrinkled Babybel cheeses wash up on the beach at Saint Malo.

They sit, in two dents in the sand, like two red eyes looking up at the walls of the old town.

They are spotted by seagulls, one of whom is Lefty.

Lefty swoops down and picks up both Babybel cheeses. Wark! He drops one.

I'll have it! squawks one of his rivals.

Yerk! It's a cheese! Not a sun dried tomato!

I know! Follow me! cries Lefty, almost dropping his Babybel cheese, but managing to retain it.

He is hatching a plan.


Gaius and Belle search the beach for Terence and Baldy.

They are not there.

They head back to the Hotel Kyriad.

Not there either.

Belle calls Arthur, on the island.

Arthur answers, a thing which is rare.

Found them? asks Belle.

Who? asks Arthur.

Terence and Baldy, says Belle.

Yes, says Arthur. We found them. They were hiding.

How naughty, says Belle. Now you're all stuck on the island till the tide turns. Do you know when that will be?

Sunset, says Arthur. We're going to sit on François-René's tomb and watch it.

Have you got anything to eat? asks Belle.

No, says Arthur.

Terence has two Babybel cheeses, says Belle.

That's good, says Arthur.

He is sitting on the tomb with François-Rene, Terence and Baldy.

The heavy waves roll in. The waters rise around the edges of Grand Bé, which seems to grow smaller.

Birds circle, in the white sky.


Where are they? asks Arthur.

We dropped them in the water, says Baldy.

We could have eaten them, says Arthur.

Hungry? asks François-René. I'll rustle up something in my camp kitchen.


The little red cheeses have been transported to the Rance estuary, and dropped in a scrape.

Two oystercatchers own it.

When they return from their mollusc stabbing expedition they are surprised to see two red eggs in their nest which was formerly empty.

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