Friday, November 6, 2020

Not Dead, Stunned

Great White Teacher has landed a tuna.

It is tempting to eat it, but no.

He drags it to where Sweezus and Arthur are expecting a wave.

Here you are lads, says Great White Teacher. Filling for the sushi.

That was quick, says Sweezus.

I am quick, sys Great White Teacher. So are my boys. They're on their way back with the seaweed.

Cool, says Sweezus. Mind if we catch this?

(A good wave is coming).

Not at all, says Great White Teacher. Take the tuna in with you.

Too late, Sweezus and Arthur are moving shorewards, with the wave.

The tuna moves with them.

This could be dangerous.

Louisa is waiting.

Watch out! says Louisa, as the wave crashes prematurely.

Sweezus is knocked off his board by the flying tuna.

Arthur remains upright, 

He leads a charmed life.

A tuna! says Louisa. Is this the one for the sushi?

I guess so, says Arthur.

Sweezus stands up, retrieves his board and splashes in.

This tuna needs to be refrigerated, says Louisa.

Is it dead? asks Sweezus.

Of course it.... wait! says Louisa. No it might just be stunned.

The tuna spasms, flips sideways and stares at the sky.

Never mind, says Louisa. It's a silly idea anyway. We'd never go through with it.

What was it? asks the tuna.

You were supposed to be the filling for a new type of sushi, says Arthur. But you'd have to be dead.

Dead? says the tuna. You people eat the dead? That's disgusting.

It is when you think about it, says Louisa. There are other fillings for sushi. 

Like what? asks the tuna.

Asparagus, avocado, papaya, says Louisa. Spring onions. 

Chocolate? asks the tuna.

I don't think so, says Louisa. But you're free to go. Want a shove?

Yes thanks, says the tuna. 

Sweezus isn't happy.

He sees his safe surfing window disappearing.

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