Thursday, November 19, 2020

Zero Is Low

Very late at night.

Sweezus, Arthur and Victor are cycling back to the Flinders Chase entrance, with the ladder between them.

That was weird, says Sweezus. We went there to see if the Ears needed to be rescued and they didn't.

Until they were immersed in water, says Victor. That's when things changed.

Yeah, whose idea was that? asks Sweezus.

Baudin's, says Arthur. 

Maybe he planned the whole thing, says Sweezus. Get rid of the Ears, take their place. 

Where are they? asks Victor.

Haven't you got them? asks Sweezus.

You said you'd bring them, says Victor.

Yeah but then I dropped the thermometer, says Sweezus. I forgot about them, after that.

Did you see what your temperature was? asks Arthur.

Zero, says Sweezus. 

At least it was low, says Arthur.

It was broken, says Victor. And don't forget you owe Captain du Couedic a new one.

Sure, says Sweezus. Remind me to buy one in the morning.

I'll get you one, says Arthur. I need to go to the chemist.

They have now reached the locked gate. They wheel their bikes and drag the ladder to the place in the fence where the wire sags, and exit through it.

No need to split up yet, says Victor. Did you say Louisa was making sushi? 

Yeah, wanna try it? asks Sweezus. We need the feedback.

Don't mind if I do, says Victor.

They continue, sharing the load of the ladder.

At a certain point, Saint Roley flies overhead, with the Ears in a cellophane packet, provided by Captain du Couedic. 

The cellophane packet once contained a brioche, which the Ears can smell faintly.

The packet is attached to Saint Roley with string, also provided by Captain du Couedic.

It's a pleasant trip for the Ears, who can see though the packet.

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