Monday, November 2, 2020

Sharks Don't See Blue

 Sweezus and Arthur wait for a big wave.

One is coming.

It's at least thirty seconds away.

How's the toe? asks Sweezus.

Arthur lifts one leg out of the water.

I can't feel it, says Arthur.

At least it's stopped bleeding, says Sweezus. 

It's blue, says Arthur. Is that good or bad?

Good, says Sweezus. Sharks don't see blue.

The wave comes, they catch it.

Two sharks surface behind them.

I saw it, says the first one. 

Me too, says the second. 

It looked familiar, says the first one.

The toe? So did the other guy's, says the second. 

Farky! says the first one. Remember when I took a bite out of Farky?

I'll never forget it, says the other.

That was his dog, says the first one. 

Let's alert Great White Teacher! says the second one.

They swim off.

Great White Teacher is not far away. 

They approach him.

Greetings, boys, says he. What news, if any?

Sweezus is back at Stokes Bay, Great Teacher, says the first one.

Good, says Great White Teacher. There was something I wanted to ask him. 

How his dog is? asks the second.

Not that, says Great Teacher. A business matter. What's this about his dog though?

Nothing! say the two sharks together.

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