Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Pebble With Great Eyesight

Rosa takes ages to find him a rubber, so Baby Pierre keeps on writing (very small):

I knew you were slow-witted, I said to Ouvert, it's meteorites you should be looking for, and he said sorry, he meant meteorites.

That's good says the tinker, reading what Baby Pierre has written. Now you don't need a rubber.

Why not? asks Baby Pierre.

What were you going to rub out? asks the tinker.

Meteor, says Baby Pierre.

But if you do that, you don't need the new sentence, says the tinker.

Baby Pierre looks back at his previous sentence.

The one where Ouvert says he is looking for meteors.

If he changers meteors to meteorites, it's true, he doesn't need the new sentence. 

But he likes the new sentence. It makes Ouvert look bad.

Rosa opens the lid of the see-through container, and drops in a rubber.

Here's the rubber, says Rosa. Don't lose it. 

How would I lose it? asks Baby Pierre. I'm in a container.

He doesn't need it, says the tinker. He's written a new sentence.

Let me see, says Rosa.

She reads it.

That's clever, says Rosa. But it does make your cousin look bad.

Baby Pierre doesn't care, says the tinker. But maybe he should keep the rubber.

Yes, keep it for now, says Rosa. You might spell something wrong.

Prrrrt! says Baby Pierre. 

What happens next? asks Rosa. Does Ouvert find a meteorite?

No, says Baby Pierre. He doesn't. But maybe I do.

That would annoy Ouvert, says Rosa. Maybe you should both find lots of great rocks and give them to a museum.

Baby Pierre is inspired. He starts writing again (very small):

I said I would help him because I have great eyesight and he doesn't. As soon as I started looking I found one, it was shiny and black.

Was it bigger than you? asks Rosa. That might be a problem.

Ha ha, laughs the tinker.

Stop laughing, says Baby Pierre. 

He writes (very small):

It was small but very heavy, so I let Ouvert carry it in his rock sample bag, while I rode on ahead scouting for samples. I soon found another one, which was brown.

Was it light brown? asks Rosa. It might have been limestone, the Nullarbor used to be a seabed.

No, says Baby Pierre. It was dark brown like chocolate.

A meteorite then, says Rosa.

Or a petrified poo, says the tinker.

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