Monday, September 16, 2024

Not His Frog His Friend's Frog

Ten minutes later, the co-captain comes out to speak to Ben O'Connor.

I'm the co-captain, says the co-captain. And I'm here to take charge of your frog.

It's okay! says Ben O'Connor. I already told the flight attendant....

That the protocols had been observed, says the co-captain. Well, it turns out they haven't.

Geez, sorry, says Ben O'Connor.  She's in this box, with my lucky pebble.

We have no issue with your lucky pebble, says the co-captain, but this frog must be confined until landing.

Then what? asks Ben O'Connor.

She will be dealt with, says the co-captain. Please hand over your frog.

Ben O'Connor opens the box on the seat beside him.

The tinker has heard everything.

The moment of doom is approaching, says the tinker.

Ai! says the co-captain. I was told it could speak, but I wasn't aware it could prophesy.

She can't, says Ben O'Connor. She's just quoting the second line of my poem.

Oh, so you're a poet? asks the co-captain. 

Not really, says Ben O'Connor. It's for an elite bike riders' poetry competition.

Which one? asks the co-captain.

The Vuelta, says Ben.

You must know Pablo Neruda, says the co-captain.

Yeah, I know him, says Ben O'Connor. It's his frog. Well, not his frog, his friend's frog. Actually not his friend's frog either, but some other guy's....

I'm no one's frog, says the tinker.

That's right, says Baby Pierre. We're not anything.

Speak for yourself, lucky pebble, says the tinker.

It's temporary, says Baby Pierre.

This may also be temporary, says the co-captain. But the frog comes with me.

He puts on a thin rubber glove, and picks up the tinker.

And carries her up to the front of the Boeing. 

He opens the door of the cockpit and enters.

Great! says the captain. Now there's a frog in the cockpit. Where will you put it?

On top of the control panel, says the co-captain. Then we can keep an eye on her.

The tinker likes the position on top of the control panel.

There's a fantastic view.

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