Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What's This Knob For?

The Kroombit tinker looks at the clouds. 

They are white gray and blue. Some in the distance are pink gold and fluffy.

Now there's a gap revealing water below them.

Blue water with wrinkles.

And is that a whale? Or an island.

Then... more white gray blue clouds.

Boring. She's seen them already.

She looks at the control panel, on which the co-captain has placed her.

What's this knob for? asks the tinker.

DON'T TOUCH IT! shouts the co-captain.

As if I'd do that, says the tinker. 

How do I know you wouldn't? says the co-captain.

Frog fingers, says the tinker.

You should have stowed her in the galley, says the captain.

I thought better of it, says the co-captain. She may have got into the food.

Don't worry, says the Kroombit tinker. I don't think much of your food.

I suppose you eat spiders, worms and insects, says the captain.

The Kroombit tinker is about to agree, but a wave of sadness comes over her.

Spiders, worms and insects, says the tinker. That brings back memories.

That's natural, asks the co-captain. But what's made you sad?

I'm remenbering the pobblebonks, says the tinker. I was their house mother. They died one by one. 

You ate your children? asks the captain, aghast.

You know little about frogs, says the tinker. Pobblebonks could not be my children. I'm a Kroombit tinker.

Sorry, says the captain. 

Spider-bonk, Insect-bonk and Worm-bonk, says the tinker. Those were their names.

Very nice, says the co-captain. What made you their house mother?

I wanted to travel, says the tinker. They were going to Florence. I took the opportunity.

Why Florence? asks the captain. 

The Tour de France began there, says the tinker. They were in it. 

And died one by one, says the co-captain. What of?

The machinations of Nicolo Machiavelli, says the tinker.

The captain and the co-captain decide she's been pulling their leg.

They turn their attention to the control panel.

Just as well, as some turbulence is imminent.

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