Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How Can That Be Illegal?

 Let's hope Ben O'Connor's still in Madrid, says Pablo.

Lets hope he isn't, says Baby Pierre.

I hope he is, says the tinker. And that he'll take us home.

In a box most likely, says Baby Pierre.

He wouldn't, says the tinker.

I'll see if I can get hold of him, says Pablo.

He calls the team manager of Team Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale.

Hello? says the team manager.

Is Ben O'Connor still in Madrid? asks Pablo.

On his way to the airport, says the team manager. Who wants to know?

Pablo Neruda, says Pablo. 

Neruda? He's left you a message, says the team manager. Where is it.... ah yes.... he wants an extension.

He can have an extension, says Pablo, but I don't have his number.

The team manager gives Pablo Ben's number.

He calls it.

Hello? says Ben O'Connor.

It's me, Pablo, says Pablo.

Oh yeah, says Ben O'Connor. Do I get the extension? I've got poet's block.

Certainly, says Pablo. Take as long as you wish. And in return I'd like you to do me a favour.

What's that? asks Ben O'Connor. I'm at the airport.

When's your flight? asks Pablo.

In two hours, says Ben O'Connor.

Great, says Pablo. I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

Yes, but what... begins Ben O'Connor.

But Pablo has ended the call and is calling a taxi.


Madrid Airport.

Ben O'Connor is having a coffee, and watching the clock.

Pablo appears, with a box.

Hey! says Ben O'Connor. What's this favour you asked for?

Pablo opens the box, to reveal the Kroombit tinker.

Hello, Ben, says the tinker. I don't have to stay in this box. It was just for the taxi.

She hops out.

Hell's bells! says Ben O'Connor. Am I supposed to take her back to Australia?

That's what I'm hoping, says Pablo.

Big ask, says Ben O'Connor. I bet it's illegal.

She's a native, says Pablo. You'll be returnimg her home. How can that be illegal?

Ben O'Connor looks sceptical, for some reason.

The tinker decides to help her own cause.

I can be very elusive, says the tinker.

Ben O'Connor thinks about what that might mean.

Elusive. She could hide easily. Also, she is tiny.

I could help you with your poem, adds the tinker.

That does it.

Ben agrees to escort the tinker home.

Thanks, says Pablo. And don't worry about Baby Pierre. He won't be coming.

I wasn't, says Ben. 

But just then.....

Zoom. Baby Pierre zooms into the airport. 

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