Saturday, September 7, 2024

Second Reckoned

The last day of mountain climbing before the time trials tomorrow.

The teams ride out of Villarcayo.

Primoz Roglic is in red.

And determined to stay there.

Snippets of poetry form in his head.

Be the fox where it counts....

Okay that's not too great. But nor is it great to end a line with an obvious word such as fox.

Because what rhymes with fox? 

Box, pox, sox.....

And also, sox is bad spelling.

He wonders if the poem must be in English

He should ask Pablo.

But no! 

He must concentrate on impoving his lead over Ben O'Connor.

It's not over yet.

Ben O'Connor is not even thinking of his poem. He must at least retain overall second position.

Here he comes now, in the blue-green jersey of Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale.

He passes Pablo.

Go for second, shouts Pablo. Or something like that.

Ben O'Connor gives Pablo the finger, and catches up with his team mate, Bruno.

What did Pablo say? asks Bruno.

He reckoned I should settle for second, says Ben O'Connor.

That makes quite a nice rhyme, says Bruno. Reckoned and second.

I can't think that way, says Ben O'Connor.

No of course not, says Bruno. 

They speed off into the distance.

Up and down seven categorised mountains.


Let us cut to the end.

Here comes Eddie Dunbar.

He has passed Enric Mas and finished first on the Picon Blanco.

Good for him.

Primoz comes in third. Now he has 2 minutes and 2 seconds over Ben O'Connor.

Who nevertheless at this point is still coming second.

Which is fine.

According to what Pablo reckoned.

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