Sunday, February 2, 2025

All The Less Reason

I knew it! says Terence. 

Don't worry, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Get it back, says Terence.

It may float to the surface, says Gaius.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

They wait. 

But the skateboard does not float to the surface.

It is being borne away by third baby skate's friends.

Where are we going? asks third baby skate, letting go of the side of the skateboard.

His fellow skateboarder lets go as well.

They float above the moving skateboard.

Wherever we like, says a baby skate, underneath.

And where is that? asks third baby skate.

The baby skates who are abducting the skateboard stop moving.

Meeting! says one.

Why? asks another.

We definitely need a meeting, says third baby skate.

Woohoo! says another baby skate. Is this about where we're going?

Yes, says the one who called the meeting.

I vote we go back where we came from, says one.

With the skateboard? says another.

This isn't our skateboard, says third baby skate. I'm supposed to return it.

Since when do skates obey humans? asks the one who called the meeting.

I don't think he was a human, says third baby skate. He looked like he was made of cement.

All the less reason, says the one who called the meeting.

So are we going back where we came from? asks another baby skate.

(there are ten of them, remember? but they do not have names)

Vote! says the one who called the meeting. All in favour?

Nine claspers go up.

The only dissenter is third baby skate.

Okay, says third baby skate. I might just go back and tell them...

No don't, says his friend. That would cause complications. Let's enjoy the moment. We have friends! We are young! We have our own skateboard! Let's have fun, and at the same time annoy the shit out of the old ones! 

Third baby skate takes on board all these positives, especially the last one.

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