The baby skates are almost back to where they came from.
It has been a fast journey, underwater.
Four baby skates under the skateboard, and four on the top.
Two at the back, making sure they're not being followed.
Sometimes they've swapped.
We're nearly home, says one of the baby skates underneath the skateboard.
We know, say the others.
The oldies are going to freak out! says another.
Hee-hee! laugh the others.
They'll see the dragons, says one baby skate.
And they'll be scared, says another.
But in this they are wrong.
Two old maugean skates have seen them approaching
What the dickens are those newbies up to now? says one to the other.
Is it a log? asks the other.
There are dragons painted on it. says the first old skate. So I doubt it's a log.
It's possible to paint dragons on logs, says the other old skate.
But look again, Pontius, says the first old skate.
My eyesight's not what it was, Lucius, says the second old skate.
( good! the old ones have names!).
Wheels, says Lucius.
I thought that was their tails whirring, says Pontius.
No, it's wheels on the dragon-log, says Lucius.
Let's ignore it, says Pontius. From the way they're behaving I think they intend to annoy us.
Fine, says Lucius. It takes more than a wheeled dragon-log to annoy me.
Me too, says Pontius. Let's continue searching the bottom for crabs.
Like we always do, says Lucius. What's that I see over there?
A sock, says Pontius.
A sock. They move on slowly,
The sock crawls away.
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