Now what? asks Terence.
We wait for next morning, says Gaius.
Can I wait here? asks Terence.
Certainly not, says Gaius. Anything might happen.
I'd sit down and watch, says Terence.
Not much to see in the dark, says Gaius.
Come on Terence, says Felicia. The night will go faster with something to do.
And I wouldn't go into the water, says Terence.
Weren't you listening, says Felicia.
It goes faster with something to do, says Terence. You could stay here with me.
Sorry no, says Felicia. I'm working tomorrow.
That reminds me, says Gaius. What time does the IGA close?
Five o'clock, says Felicia.
I need to buy something for dinner, says Gaius.
Better get going then, says Felicia.
Gaius and Felicia start walking back to the campsite.
Terence follows, not fast.
Little Mystic flies up behind him, and lands on his shoulder.
Get off! says Terence.
You're in a bad mood, says Little Mystic.
I'm not allowed to do anything, says Terence.
What did you want to do? asks Little Mystic.
Stay down by the water and wait for the morning, says Terence. When my skateboard comes back.
Where has it been? asks Little Mystic.
The baby skates took it, says Terence. They were bored. Now they aren't, but I am.
I'll wait with you, says Little Mystic.
Where? asks Terence.
At the campsite, says Little Mystic. But we can come back really early.
How early? asks Terence.
Before the sun comes up, says Little Mystic.
Okay, says Terence. We can play cannot-but-skate
What's that? asks Little Mystic.
It's like cannot-but-be, says Terence, But the answer is cannot-but-skate.
You'll have to explain it, says Little Mystic.
I just did, says Terence.
They are now back at the campsite.
Felicia has left to go home.
Gaius is talking to Surfing-with-Whales.
Tomorrow morning, says Gaius. We recover the skateboard, and two older skates have promised to return for a joyride.
Cool, says Surfing-with-Whales. What's for dinner?
One of us needs to hurry to the IGA, before it closes, says Gaius.
You go, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'm a bit short of money.
Fine, says Gaius. Keep an eye on young Terence.
Sure, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Gaius goes off.
Surfing-with-Whales joins Terence and Little Mystic, who have started to play cannot-but-skate.
Cannot-but-skate! says Little Mystic.
Correct! says Terence.
Surfing-with-Whales tries to imagine the question
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