Gaius, Terence and Surfing-with-Whales return to the campsite.
Surfing-with-Whales carries the skateboard under his arm.
He is thinking about other things, not the skateboard.
Like how much he's put on Lauren's bankcard. And how he and Gaius have eaten her green peppercorn cheese.
So he does not notice what's stuck to the skateboard.
He throws it into the pullalong.
Nor does he notice the sound.
I'll just make that phone call, says Gaius. Then we'll get going.
He calls Vello.
Hello? says Vello. That you, Gaius?
Yes it's me, says Gaius. I hear you're putting on a Fringe show.
Yes I am, says Vello. Candide, but with a difference.
Sounds interesting, says Gaius.
I'd have asked you to play the old lady, but you were in Tassie, says Vello.
So who is playing the old lady? asks Gaius.
That's where the difference comes in, says Vello. AI.
AI? says Gaius. Is that someone's initials?
In a manner of speaking, says Vello.
Surely you don't mean AI, says Gaius. How would that work?
Sweezus is organising it, says Vello. You'd have to ask him.
Are there any parts not cast yet? asks Gaius. Terence is interested.
There's always a part for Terence, says Vello. He was a great hit last year as the hand. And that other time when he played the bright red object. The audience loved him.
They rather liked me, as the old lady with only one buttock, says Gaius.
I know, I know, says Vello. Are you telling me you and Terence are available?
We could be, says Gaius. We're all finished here.
So you've counted the maugean skates? asks Vello. What was the damage?
Hard to say, says Gaius. We only saw twelve. But the official announcement by the environment minister spoke of a bright future.
Beware of bright futures, says Vello.
Indeed, says Gaius.
Well, my friend, says Vello. If you get here in time, you're welcome to replace the AI.
Sure it won't mind? asks Gaius.
Ha ha! laughs Vello. That's the good thing about AI. And you don't have to pay it.
You don't pay us either, says Gaius.
That's different, says Vello.
The calls ends on this amicable note.
Good news, Terence! says Gaius.
But Terence has climbed into the pullalong, and made a grim discovery.
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