Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Which Bit Is Me

Gaius has been pedalling all morning.

Surfing-with-Whales still hasn't caught up.

What can be keeping him? wonders Gaius. 

He stops to check his smart phone for messages.

There's one from Sweezus: CHECK THIS OUT!

It's a video. Sweezus has somehow turned Terence into a horse.

Look at this! says Gaius. It's your face but the rest of you looks like a horse.

Let's see, says Terence. Which bit is me?

The face, says Gaius. I wonder how he did it?

Does that mean I'm in it? asks Terence.

A version of you, says Gaius. They must be doing the scene where Candide, Cunegonde and the old lady escape on a horse.

One horse! says Terence. 

Three horses, says Gaius. 

With my face, says Terence.

What a vision, says Gaius. Now let me check this other message.

It's from Surfing-with-Whales: ON MY WAY.

Gaius texts back: WE'RE STOPPING IN WARATAH.

Surfing-with-Whales texts back: OKAY. MEET @ WATERFALL

Wonderful, says Gaius. We'll have our lunch there, assuming he's done the shopping.

He pedals on, thinking about the old lady, who has only one buttock, riding a horse. 

How have they played that scene in previous times?

They haven't. They've done it off stage, using coconuts.

AI offers a remarkable improvement.

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