Friday, February 14, 2025

Eyeing The Mango

Gaius returns with some Golden Delicious apples, and cheese.

Dinner is served, says Gaius.

Is that all you bought? asks Surfing-with Whales.

From his shorts pocket, Gaius produces a mango.

A special treat, says Gaius. By the way, do you smell smoke?

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Must be a fire somewhere.

There is, says Gaius. It's close to Zeehan.

Shit a brick! says Surfing-with-Whales. 

What? asks Terence. 

That's where we were, says Surfing-with-Whales. Remember the museum and the Spray Tunnel?

Yikes! says Terence. 

What? asks Little Mystic.

Fire! says Terence. We're in trouble!

We'll be fine, says Gaius. We are right near the water. Who's for some cheese?

What do I get? asks Terence.

Gaius looks apologetic.

Perhaps you could suck on the mango.

Yay! says Terence. Can I suck on it now?

Not yet, says Gaius. Surfing-with-Whales and I will dine on the cheese and apples. Then I'll slice up the mango. After which you may suck on the stone.

What do I do while I'm waiting? asks Terence.

What were you doing before? asks Gaius.

Playing cannot but skate with Little Mystic, says Terence. 

And me, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You were rubbish, says Terence. That's why I didn't say you were playing.

I thought the game was cannot but be, says Gaius.

It was, but I changed it, says Terence. 

How do you play this new version? asks Gaius.

The answer is cannot but skate, says Surfing-with-Whales. The hard part is forming the question.

Gaius thinks, as he looks for a knife with which to slice up the cheese.

How about this question, says Gaius. What if a fire is approaching?

I know! says Terence. Cannot but skate!

Correct, says Gaius. But can you explain why?

Is that part of the game? asks Surfing-with-Whales. No one told me.

It's a modification, says Gaius. An introduction of some kind of logic.

Because, says Terence, if the fire comes I jump on my skateboard and zoom into the water.

Indeed, says Gaius. So you cannot but skate.

And what does 'but' mean in that answer? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Do anything other than, says Gaius. 

Hear that, Terence. Do anything other than, says Surfing-with-Whales.

But Terence is doing something other than listening. 

He is eyeing the mango.

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