Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ambivalent Mud Crab

The green sock stops as soon as it realises it's out of the water.

It turns around to go back.

Stop! says Gaius. I can't help noticing that you look familiar.

It's your sock, says Terence. You should just pick it up.

There may be someone inside it, says Gaius.

Let's see! says Terence, moving forward to pick up the sock.

Don't do it! says Gaius. It's stopping.

It has in fact stopped.

A claw emerges from the opening. Then another. Then two eyes on stalks. don't know me! says the mud crab. And I don't know you!

That is true, says Gaius. It's the sock that's familiar.

Clikclik...what's a sock? asks the mud crab.

You're in it, says Terence.

This is my hideyhole, says the mud crab. And it's a good one.

May I ask if there's a cabbage leaf inside? asks Gaius. there isn't, says the mud crab.

Ask if there WAS, says Terence.

May I ask... begins Gaius.

Clikclik...there was, says the mud crab. But I ate it. 

Who are you hiding from? asks Terence.

Lucius and Pontius, says the mud crab. 

And they are? asks Gaius.

Old relics from Gondwana, if you believe their story, says the mud crab.

They can't be that old, says Gaius.

Try telling them that, says the mud crab.

Do they have tails and claspers? asks Terence.

What an intelligent question, Terence, says Gaius.

They're maugean skates, says the mud crab. So they do.

I should very much like to meet them , says Gaius. I don't suppose you could lure them in closer.

I would have to get out of my hideyhole to do that, says the mud crab.

That's basically what I'm asking, says Gaius.

You want it back? asks the mud crab.

No, says Gaius. You're welcome to keep it. I've bought new ones.

The risk for me is that I might get eaten, says the mud crab.

I appreciate that, says Gaius. 

Ha ha, laughs Terence. That means you want him to get eaten.

No it doesn't, says Gaius. It means I understand that he might get eaten.

So I'd want some protection, says the mud crab. 

If I could arrange that, would you be willing? asks Gaius.

Clikclik, says the mud crab.

An ambivalent answer.

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