This is where we must part from Little Mystic, says Gaius.
After lunch, says Terence.
Yes, after lunch, says Gaius. Perhaps Roo-kai and Little Mystic would like to go off and find something to eat.
Okay, says Roo-kai. Come on, Little Mystic.
They go off.
Now what? asks Terence.
We wait for Surfing-with-Whales to turn up, says Gaius.
At the waterfall, says Terence.
No, we'll wait here, says Gaius. I'm not dragging the pullalong up to the waterfall.
But he said the waterfall, says Terence.
He'll have to pass this spot first, says Gaius.
They wait.
What's that in your pocket? asks Gaius.
Nothing, says Terence.
Luckily Surfing-with-Whales comes along, with a whole watermelon under his arm.
I see why you took so long, says Gaius.
Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. It's a big one.
Is that our lunch? asks Gaius.
And some chocolate biscuits, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Very nice, says Gaius. Shall we sit here? I don't fancy going all the way up to the waterfall.
Sure, says Surfing-with-Whales, getting off his bike and dropping the watermelon.
Gaius takes out a knife and starts hacking.
Guess what? says Terence. I got made into a horse.
When? asks Surfing-with-Whales.
In a video, says Terence. I might be three horses.
Sweezus has been working with AI, says Gaius.
Good for him, says Surfing-with-Whales. Is he making you into anything?
The old lady I assume, says Gaius. He took a sample of my speech patterns.
The old lady should have her own speech patterns, says Surfing-with-Whales.
That's a good point, says Gaius. But I suppose he knows best.
Yeah right, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Gaius hands him a large slice of watermelon.
Can I have some? asks Terence.
I suppose so, says Gaius. It's as much a drink as a food. But chew it properly.
Yay! says Terence.
Roo-kai comes back, without Little Mystic.
Where's Little Mystic? asks Terence.
He saw his dad, says Roo-kai.
Did he hide? asks Terence.
Yes, says Roo-kai. He did hide. And now I can't find him.
That's as good an outcome as any, says Gaius. We know Little Mystic can fend for himself. And this is his territory.
Boo, says Terence. And I've got no parrot.
In his sorrow, (if that's what it is), he forgets to chew his slice of watermelon properly
And starts choking. Chuah!
You've still got me, says Roo-kai, whacking him on the back with his wing.
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