Wah! cries Terence. Something's stuck to my skateboard!
What is it? asks Gaius.
He comes over to look.
It's a little grey squashed thing.
Dear me! says Gaius. It's one of the baby skates.
Which one? asks Terence.
Hard to say, says Gaius. This is tragic. As well as an embarrassment.
He peels the little grey squashed thing from the bottom of the skateboard.
I bet it's third baby, says Terence.
There's no way to tell , says Gaius.
He wanted to come with us, so he clasped onto the skateboard, says Terence.
What's up? asks Surfing-with-Whales.
We've found a squashed baby skate, says Gaius. Probably clinging to the bottom of the skateboard.
Fuck, says Surfing-with-Whales. And I chucked it into the pullalong.
And he DIED! says Terence.
We'll bury him, says Gaius. Or should we just throw him back in?
Can't he come with us? asks Terence.
Of course not, says Gaius. This is his home.
He didn't like it, says Terence. He said it was boring.
That will no longer concern him, says Gaius.
So can he come with us? asks Terence.
No, says Gaius. But you can be the one who places him back in the water. Perhaps with an elegaic poem.
Okay, says Terence. Give him to me.
Gaius hands him the squashed third baby.
Terence walks down to the water.
Don't worry, says Terence to squashed third baby. I'm not throwing you in.
He stands at the water's edge, pretending to make up a poem.
What would it be, if he did?
A skate has died/ it wants an adventure/ and it's having one/ who cares if it's died?
This would be a very good poem for a skate that's not getting thrown in the water.
He turns sideways, in case Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales are watching.
And shoves squashed third baby skate into his gecko shorts pocket.
He walks back slowly, as though he is sad.
All done? asks Gaius.
Yes, says Terence.
Then let's get going , says Gaius. If we leave now, we can make it to Devonport by this evening.
It's two hundred and twenty four ks! says Surfing-with-Whales.
Is that a problem? asks Gaius.
Guess not, says Surfing-with-Whales.
Gaius lifts Terence into the pullalong.
Little Mystic and Roo-kai are already in it.
Guess what? whispers Terence.
We know what you did, says Roo-kai.
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