Saturday, February 1, 2025

In A.....

Ready? asks Terence.

Ready, says the third baby skate.

Is your friend ready? asks Terence.

Ready, says third baby skate's friend.

You're not ready, says Terence. You're meant to be using your claspers.

O yes, says the third baby skate.

What's this about using our claspers? asks third baby skate's friend.

We clasp claspers, says third baby skate. 

And? prompts Terence.

Use our outside claspers to grab onto the skateboard, says third baby.

So do it, says Terence.

The two baby skates clasp themselves together, and clasp themselves on.

Go! says Terence.

We only know stopping, says third baby. How do we start?

Push yourselves off with your tails, says Terence.

They try. Sadly, tails may work for stopping, but they are no good for starting.

They need a push, says Surfing-with-Whales. Want me to do it?

Okay, says Terence.

Surfing-with-Whales pushes the skateboard. 

It moves sluggishly and comes to a halt in the mud..

This is no fun, says third baby skate's friend.

Let's ask them to push us into the water, says third baby skate.

I heard that, says Terence. My skateboard's not going in the water.

Might be good for it, says Surfing-with-Whales. Wash the mud off.

Okay, says Terence. But what if it sinks?

I'll retrieve it, says Surfing-with-Whales.

He launches the skateboard.

Weeeee! cry the two baby skates.

They shoot forward a couple of metres, before stopping, surrounded by friends.

When is it our turn! cry the friends.

In a.... begins third baby skate.

Blub blub bloop. 

O no! The skateboard is sinking.

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