Sunday, February 9, 2025

In Defence Of The Theory

Be that as it may, says Lucius. This place has not changed since those days.

Until recently, says Pontius.

Yes, until recently, says Lucius. 

In what way? asks Gaius. 

More microbial activity on the bottom, says Pontius.

Due to fallen fish food and faeces, says Lucius.  

From those dratted fish farms, says Pontius.

That's part of the reason I'm here, says Gaius.

Good luck with that, says Lucius.

Don't misunderstand me, says Gaius. I'm here to see how you're doing.

We're doing fine, says Pontius. It's those newbies who aren't.

They claim to be bored, says Lucius.

They did, says Pontius. Until today.

What happened today? asks Gaius.

They found a log with wheels, says Lucius. 

Decorated with dragons, says Pontius.

That is our skateboard, says Gaius. We're in the process of getting it back.

That is good news and bad news, says Lucius.

Like most things, says Gaius.

Are you sure you're not a fellow Gondwanian? asks Lucius. You seem very wise.

But I can't agree with your fish bone theory, says Gaius.

Our memories are long, says Pontius.

And lacking in incident, says Lucius.

Which is not a great defence of the theory.

A brief silence ensues. 

Seeing we've been lured here, says Pontius, do we get a share of the mud crab?

You'll have to ask Roo-kai about that, says Gaius. 

I'm willing to share it, says Roo-kai. One third each. What do you say?

That seems very reasonable, says Lucius.

Reasonable indeed, says Pontius. Who'll do the honours?

I will, says Roo-kai.

He rips the mud crab apart, using only his beak.

Bravo! says Pontius. It's a big one.

They dig in.

Yum! It's tastier than shrimps.

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