Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Tulip !

When I say I go by the name Ageless, said the lobster, I should add that all lobsters go by that name, because we do not age.

Wow! said Frog, again. How lucky are you?

It's a mixed blessing, said the lobster. It means we have to die of a nasty accident. Believe me, you wouldn't like to live with that.

I would, said Frog.

No, you wouldn't, said Ageless firmly. I would choose to be a tomato any day.

No, you wouldn't, said Frog. I'm only a few weeks old and look at me.

Oh, stop it, said Baby Pierre. Mr Ageless, do you know Kobo the fossilised clam?

The lobster stiffened, although this was imperceptible.

My beloved Kobo! he cried. I do!

Then you are my daddy, said Baby Pierre. Why didn't you recognise me by the lobster claw marking on top of my head?

I thought it was a tulip, said Ageless.

Frog grinned, then stopped because his skin felt rather tight.

A tulip! said Baby Pierre.

Never mind, said Frog. You didn't recognise your daddy either.

That's because he's blue, muttered Baby Pierre.

Of course I'm blue, said Ageless. What did you think I would be? Red?

Yes, said Baby Pierre. If you want to know, I thought you would be red.

Ha ha! laughed Ageless. If I were red I would be COOKED! That's exactly the sort of nasty accident we lobsters try to avoid. Well, boys are you coming?

Let me see the red hat first, before deciding, said Baby Pierre.

Here it is, said Ageless. Click, click, I knitted it myself!

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