Monday, April 18, 2011

Famous Father

The next morning, Marie's phone rang.

Hello it's me again, said Jesus.

Yes? said Marie.

Two things, said Jesus. One, will we be camping?

Yes, said Marie. If it's fine we'll be camping.

The only thing is, said Jesus, I've bought so much chocolate my backpack is full.

Well don't bring it all, said Marie. What's the other thing?

I'd really like to meet Belle et Bonne before we go. Can I come over?

Alright, said Marie. Come over.

Half an hour later Jesus knocked on the door. Belle et Bonne opened it.

Hello, said Jesus. Are you Belle et Bonne?

Yes, she replied. You must be Jesus. Nice to meet you. Come in. Marie's making a cup of tea.

Well this is nice, Said Jesus.

Yes it is nice, said Belle et Bonne.

Belle et Bonne, began Jesus, how did you get such an awesome name?

It's a nickname my papa gave me. It means beautiful and good.

I know that, said Jesus. I remember my schoolboy French. And you are very beautiful, so I imagine you are good.

Thank you. Papa thinks so, said Belle et Bonne.

Who is your papa? asked Jesus.

Don't you know? He's Voltaire the famous philosopher. He goes by the nickname of The VeloDrone, for the purposes of his cycling magazine.

Jesus was impressed.

Voltaire! he exclaimed. You're so lucky to have such a famous father!

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