Monday, February 20, 2012

Absolutely Glorious

Gaius had been sitting in the bird hide for several hours. He had seen a moorhen, and a pelican and a duck. This was disappointing. You could see moorhen and a pelican and a duck just about anywhere you went in Goolwa. But at least it didn't matter that he'd lost his notebook.

He wondered where it was. Oh yes. Le Bon David would still have it. That was alright. Unless Margaret saw it. By Jupiter! Wouldn't she be cross!

A bird he couldn't identify sauntered by.

Damn, said Gaius. I wish I had that notebook. But I've got a pen. I'll draw it on my hand.


Meanwhile the others were at Bashams' Beach, enjoying the afternoon. They were walking towards the rocky promontary at the western end. The sea was deepest blue and tea leaf black, with green strips further out. Two men with fishing rods stood at the water's edge. High heaps of seaweed lined the shore. The sand was soft and white.

The girls were looking for interesting stones and shells and corals.

The VeloDrone was in a philosophical mood.

I'm in a philosophical mood, he said to Le Bon David.

Ah, said Le Bon David. That's funny. So am I.

Let's sit down a while and contemplate the sea, said The VeloDrone.

They sat down near the sandhills, and stretched out their legs.

A middle aged woman in an orange shirt and beige shorts came by, with a small white dog on a lead.

Good afternoon, said Le Bon David. Lovely day.

Oh yes! said the woman ecstatically. It's absolutely GLORIOUS!

She continued on her way.

David, said The VeloDrone, do you think it's absolutely GLORIOUS?

Certainly not, said David. It's pleasant but it's not by any means GLORIOUS. That woman has ruined my day with an inappropriate and religious-sounding word.

And mine, said The Velodrone.

They both sighed.

Here, said Le Bon David. I just remembered something. This will cheer you up.

He drew Gaius's notebook from his pocket.

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