Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hard to Get

Margaret read the notebook in silence and then turned and walked back towards the girls.

What's wrong Margaret? asked Belle et Bonne. You look sad.

Sad, said Margaret. I suppose I am. I thought Gaius had a better opinion of me.

Better than what? asked Marie.

He thinks that if he waits long enough I'll go away, said Margaret. That's so insulting. I've half a mind to drop him.

Oh, don't do that, said Belle et Bonne. You make such a lovely couple.

Yes, you do, said Marie. You both love natural history.

It's just......I feel I'm not making any headway, said Margaret. I don't know what to do.

Let him have some space, said Marie. It's good that he's on his own this afternoon. I bet he's missing you already.

Do you think so? said Margaret. Yes, perhaps I should play hard to get.

Belle et Bonne looked quickly at Marie.

I wouldn't go that far, said Marie.

No, not that far, said Belle et Bonne.

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