Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Things Look

They had stopped at Middleton on the way back from Basham's Beach, and were sitting in the car in the carpark overlooking the beach. It was windy. Down on the sand children flew kites, while young men paddled their surfboards out through the crashing surf.

See down there! said Marie. That looks like Sweezus!

Yes! said Belle et Bonne. And Surfing-With-Whales!

But I don't think it is, said Marie. Lots of guys look like them.

Not all, said The Velodrone. See that chap over there.

He pointed to a man in his sixties who was standing by the low stone wall looking down at the scene on the beach.

That shirt, said The VeloDrone. With the stripes, and the collar. Ha ha! So old mannish.

It's a polo shirt, said Margaret. What's old mannish about it?

It just is, said The VeloDrone. Catch me wearing one.

Papa you've got one just like that, said Belle et Bonne.

I'm sure I haven't, said The Velodrone.

Yes you have, said Le Bon David. So have I.


What's for dinner? asked The Velodrone, when they got back to the Riverport Motel.

Cold chicken, remember? said Marie. The motel restaurant's closed on Sunday night.

Cold chicken, said the VeloDrone. Will there be any wine?

Oh yes, we have sparkling wine, said Marie.

It wasn't long before Gaius came in.

Ahh, he said. What a wonderful afternoon. I love watching birds.

Hmmmph! said Margaret.

Bet you missed your notebook, said Le Bon David. You could have used it for .....notes.

Didn't need it said Gaius. I wrote notes on my hand. And made sketches.

Let's see, said Margaret, grabbing his hand. Oh there's a Great Crested Grebe, and a White Faced Ibis, and a Whistling Kite.

Sorry, wrong hand, said Gaius. Must wash this one.

Margaret let go.

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