Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Major White

Gaius was the first to finish unpacking. He'd only brought a spare pair of shoes. He went outside to have a look around.

It looked promising. There was grass, there were trees and a pond. There were heaps of dirt. There were birds flitting in and around the vines. What were they? Little brown ones. He would have to look them up.

He wandered around to the other side. He heard magpies, and something else. There was a cage over to the right, towards the caravan park. A cage with a cream painted wrought iron table and two ornate cream painted chairs set out in front. He went over to have a better look.

The cage was split into two parts. In one side was a discoloured sulphur crested cockatoo. A sign attached to the wire read: MY NAME IS MAJOR WHITE. DO NOT FEED ME I WILL BITE.

The other side was occupied by disconsolate honeyeaters. The sign on their side read: This bird cage was the kind gift of Mrs Emily Roth, in memory of her husband who loved the birdlife of this area.

Gaius sat down on one of the ornate chairs, and tried to imagine Mrs Roth.

A fussy outdoor furniture-loving busybody, who obviously did not care two hoots for birds.

He waggled a finger at Major White, who eyed him with disdain.

Would you like a biscuit? he asked Major White.

WAAARK! said Major White.

Gaius went back inside to get a biscuit from the tea-and-biscuits box.

Where have you been? asked Le Bon David. Everyone else has already gone into Goolwa.
Now you and I will have to walk.

Yes, yes, but first, where are those biscuits? asked Gaius, rummaging in the plastic box that contained the tea things.

Oh, Vello's taken them, said Le Bon David. Now hurry up, let's go.

They went out, locking the door behind them. As they passed the bird cage, Major White cast them a dirty look.

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