Saturday, February 25, 2012

And Not In Another Place

Gaius opted out of the walk into Goolwa. He wanted to decipher his notes.

The others put on their jackets and set off towards the river path. It was dark and a strong wind was blowing.

It's a long way to Goolwa from here, said Le Bon David. Maybe we should have gone in the car.

Nonsense, said Marie. It will do us good to walk.

Yes it will do us good, said The VeloDrone. Oh, I love the night sky! The stars! The river. The twinkling lights. Boats, masts, the clinking of halyards, jetties with little lights and signs that say keep off. Delightful. Happiness is in this place.

Then why are we going to another place? said Le Bon David.

You are missing the point, said The VeloDrone.

Which is? said Le Bon David.

Happiness is in the place where you are, explained The VeloDrone. If you're moving, it comes along with you.

Only if you're happy in the first place said David. In which case, why move?

Pooh! said The VeloDrone.

You are in a good mood papa, said Belle et Bonne.

I am, said the VeloDrone. And look over there! You can see into some of the houses.

Belle et Bonne had already been looking. Not many people had curtains. In one house she saw a black and white furry panda sitting in an armchair watching tv.

Some people! sniffed Margaret. You'd think they'd have curtains.

It's a panda, said Belle et Bonne.

So it is! said Margaret, surprised.

An hour later they arrived at the Goolwa Hotel. They went into the Bottle Shop.

Do you have any of those stopper things for sparkling wine bottles? asked Marie.

No, said the man. Sorry.

Oh well, thanks anyway, said Marie.

So they had to walk back empty-handed.

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