Monday, February 13, 2012

The Three Ronnies

After lunch they checked in at the Riverport Motel.

I see there are six of you, said the manager. I imagine you'll be needing an extra room?

Everyone looked at Gaius.

Gaius tried to look as though he was thinking about something else, such as the proximity or otherwise of birds.

Luckily he was saved by The VeloDrone.

Not at all, said The VeloDrone. We'll squeeze up. Boys in one room and girls in the other. I gather there will be enough beds?

There will, said the manager, not cracking a smile. Here are your keys. Here is your milk. Will you be eating tonight in the restaurant?

Certainly, said The VeloDrone. Since we have a voucher. Thank you, madam. We shall be dining at eight.

I'm sorry, said the manager. Dinner is at six or six thirty.

Oh, said The VeloDrone. Then let it be six thirty.

They went to their rooms.

Gaius was relieved. The men would be sleeping together. Thank goodness for that! The room contained a double bed and a single bed.

Hmm, said The VeloDrone. This is awkward.

Not at all, said Le Bon David. You and I will have the double and Gaius the single. It'll be like The Two Ronnies.

What? said The VeloDrone. How will it be like The Two Ronnies?

Didn't The Two Ronnies sleep in the same bed? said Le Bon David.

I don't think so, said The VeloDrone. That was Morecombe and Wise.

Well, then, said Le Bon David. There is a precedent.

Was there a third Ronnie? asked Gaius, entering into the spirit.

No, said The VeloDrone. Keep up, Gaius. It's like Morecombe and Wise.

So, am I a Ronnie? asked Gaius.

No, said The VeloDrone. You're a goose.

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