Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Library, A Bomb and a Knife

Ageless! hissed Moloch. Come up!

Ageless rose up from the bottom of the billabong where he had been moulting.

Woo! said Moloch. Which one is you?

Ha ha, said Ageless. This one is me. That one used to be me. I wish I could get it all off though.

Let me pull it, said Moloch.

 No thanks, said Ageless. What's the news?

Verlaine and his wife will be back here tomorrow, said Moloch.

Tomorrow! said Ageless. Does Arthur know?

He doesn't know, said Moloch.

Make sure he doesn't, said Ageless.

He doesn't, said Moloch. I told you. But wouldn't it be better if he knew?

No, said Ageless. I know Arthur. He'd leave. And then where would I be?

You could stay here, said Moloch. We get on alright, you and me.

This is not my milieu, said Ageless. There isn't a library.

No, there isn't a library, said Moloch.


Meanwhile Arthur was saying goodbye to the children.

Good bye, Emma and Irma, he said. Goodbye Tom.

Are you leaving? asked Emma.

Yes, said Arthur. I must leave right away. I want to catch up with someone.

Who? asked Irma. A girl?

No, said Arthur. A man. A man who did........ never mind.

He rubbed his left wrist.

Here, Arthur, said Tom. A present to remember us by.

What is it? said Arthur. A bomb?

It's a melon, said Tom.

Here's something for you then, said Arthur.

And he gave Tom the glittering knife.

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