Monday, September 10, 2012

The Manticore

Gaius and Dr Yates drove past the Gemtree Caravan Park without a second look. Had they looked, they would have seen Arthur and Ageless, not ten metres away from the gate.

Dr Yates dropped the Sapphires at the turn off to the Engawala community, and continued to the main campsite at the Alcoota Fossil Beds.

Here we are, said Dr Yates to Gaius. Get out. I'll show you around.

He and Gaius walked towards one of the digging spots.

These fossil beds are eight million years old, said Dr Yates.

Fascinating, said Gaius.

And we've found bones of many different megafauna, the Thunderbird for example, which is our old friend the Dromornis Stirtoni, said Dr Yates.

Oh yes indeed, said Gaius. Our old friend...

...and the Powerful Thylacine, continued Dr Yates. Also the Marsupial Lion....

The lion! said Gaius. Remarkable. I know something of the lion myself. The more common type of lion.

Yes, the ones found here were marsupials, said Dr Yates. They had lion-like features...

Something like the Manticore of ancient legend, I imagine, ventured Gaius.

I'm not sure I'm familiar with the Manticore, said Dr Yates.

I have written of the Manticore in my Natural Histories, said Gaius. So I know it well. The Manticore has a triple row of teeth, the face and ears of a man, grey eyes, a blood red colour, the body of a lion, and a sting in its tail like that of a scorpion. It has a voice like a pan-pipe crossed with a trumpet, runs extremely fast and is particularly keen on human flesh.

You astonish me, said Dr Yates.

As I hope you will astonish me, said Gaius. May I see the site where you found the Giant Claw?

Certainly, said Dr Yates. Come with me. Are you three coming?

He turned to look at Baby Pierre, Lavender and Ouvert.

It's bones, said Lavender. I hate bones.

I hate bones too, said Ouvert.

Me too, said Baby Pierre. I hate bones.

What do you like? asked Dr Yates.

Stones, they said, in unison.

I should have dropped you off at the Gemtree Caravan Park, said Dr Yates. They have fossicking there. Thirty dollars a bucket, and you keep what you find.

Lavender, Ouvert and Baby Pierre looked doubtful.

They didn't have thirty dollars.

And anyway, they weren't even there.

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