Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spiritual Undercurrents In The Surf Van.

Midge is there to meet them at the airport, in SURF FINK.

I thought you guys'd like a lift to Middleton, says Midge.

How very kind, says Mrs Hume. And have you room for Arthur's friends, as well?

Yeah, sure, the more the merrier, says Midge. Who are they, Arthur?

This is Bunny, says Arthur. And this is Pastor Moon.

Pastor Moon? says Midge. But what's his real name?

Ray, says Pastor Moon.

Well, get in Ray, says Midge, and shove up in the back there. No safety belts but what the hell I guess....

Ray Moon looks doubtfully at the transport.

Oh, come on dad, says Bunny. Just get in.

They all climb in. Midge drives towards the city.

I have to stop off and pick up a few cakes for tomorrow, says Midge. They're for Sweezie's birthday.

How nice, says Mrs Hume. I do like cakes.  So there's going to be a party?

Oh yes, says Midge. And we'll have to do our best to cheer him up.

Why does he need cheering up? asks Arthur.

He busted an SUP board paddle and they cost a motza, says Midge. Well... he didn't actually bust it. But he sent Farky out on it without giving him any lessons, and this big old shark got hold of it and bit it clean in two.

Oh Lord! says Mrs Hume. A shark! Is the poor wee dog alright?

Ray Moon raises an eyebrow. Not at the poor wee dog , but at Oh Lord!

Why should she of all people think it acceptable to take the Lord's name in vain? He decides to say no more about it for the present..

Farky's fine, says Midge, although Old Nick nearly had his leg off. But Sweezie's really down in the dumps.

We've brought him presents, pipes up Bunny. Really cute ones. At least mine is. Dad's is kind of mental.

Pastor Moon cannot believe his ears. What is happening to his daughter?

There is nothing mental about a crucifix novelty pen, he says to Bunny sternly.

Mrs Hume is unable to hold back a snort of derision, but luckily just then SURF FINK backfires.

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