Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dry Higher Things

It's three hundred and sixty seven k's to Salinas, says Sweezus. Think you can make it?

Humboldt reckons he can.

Salinas? says Arthur.

Yeah, Salinas, says Sweezus. Good surfing there.

Surfing, says Humboldt. I always wanted to try that.

How cool he is, for a guy who never rode a bike till this morning.

Don't overdo it, says Gaius. We need you fit for the Tour.

Don't worry about me, says Humboldt.

I won't, says Gaius. Well, I'm off to the station. I'm taking a bus to Ibarra. Back in a day or two.

Say hi to Simon, says Sweezus.

Should I take Flap? asks Gaius. To show Simon?

No, says Saint Roley. Flap's back with his parents. Let him stay. Take a photo.

So, it's decided.

Flap will not go.

The travellers leave. Saint Roley remains in the frog room.

The waxworms eye him suspiciously.

I see you fear me, says Saint Roley. Fear not. Let us discuss higher things.

All right, says the head waxworm. What do you know about moths?

They are dry, says Saint Roley.

Dry? The waxworms did not expect that.

In what sense dry? asks the head waxworm.

Saint Roley realises he has made a faux pas.

He once tried a moth. It was dry.

A dry sense of humour, says Saint Roley.

Really? says the head waxworm. Is that something which happens? We waxworms don't have it.

What even is it? wonder the other waxworms.

Gaius has it, says Saint Roley.

He seems nice, says the head waxworm.

O yes, says Saint Roley. And he knows about moths. You should have asked him. Too bad he's gone to Ibarra.

Any other characteristics? asks the head waxworm.

A bit flighty, says Saint Roley.

You mean moths can fly? says the head waxworm.

No, I meant Gaius was a bit flighty, says Saint Roley. Always abandoning projects, but his heart is in the right place....

So are you saying they can't? asks the head waxworm.

The other waxworms hold their breaths.

Can they or can't they?

Of course moths can fly, says Saint Roley.

You say it as though it is nothing, says the head waxworm. I suppose it's because you're a bird, and have always done it. But to us this is nothing short of stupendous.

Stupendous, agree the other waxworms.

They wriggle a dance on the table.

Saint Roley is glad such a simple thing makes them happy. He must remember not to tell them that once, he saw a moth fly straight into a candle.

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