Saturday, June 30, 2018

Never Turn Your Back On The Ocean

At the frog translocation dig in Ibarra, Gaius says goodbye to Simon.

What? Sorry..? says Simon. Oh yes, goodbye.

He is preoccupied with his boxes.

I would stay, says Gaius, but the Tour de France beckons.

Of course, says Simon. Best of luck and all that.

And good luck with the translocation, says Gaius. May the Riobamban frogs prosper.

Very kind, says Simon. I'm sure they will, now we've established the correct dose of pool salt.

By the way, says Gaius I must show you a photo. It's one of the mutants.

He shows Simon a photo of Flap, with his parents.

My goodness, says Simon. There's a lesson.

Indeed, says Gaius. Farewell, but first I must say goodbye to Lydia, Tilly and Buzz.

Lydia, Tilly and Buzz are in different locations, one digging trenches, one measuring out pool salt and one playing on his iphone.

So this takes some time.

Now Gaius is at the bus station, buying a ticket to Guayaquil, without the bargaining talents of Arthur.

He gets on the bus, and sits down next to a fellow traveller.

Going to Guayaquil? asks the traveller.

I am, says Gaius. I am meeting my companions there. Assuming all goes to plan.

Might it not? asks the traveller.

I'm optimistic, says Gaius. One of the companions is most reliable.

And the others? asks the traveller.

(It is pleasant to converse on a bus).

Gaius tells the traveller about Sweezus (the unpredictable) and Humboldt (the new chum).

The traveller tells a story about how he lost his wallet in Ibarra, and then got it back.


Meanwhile, Arthur the reliable, Sweezus the unpredictable and Humboldt the new chum are preparing to surf at La Chocolatera.

No sand, and the shoreline is craggy. Not many people out surfing. Best season is November to March. But get what what you get.

Left handed breaks come in long peeling tubes, which are infrequent.

They paddle out, and wait. Here comes one.

What do I do? asks Humboldt.

Try and catch it, says Sweezus.

He and Arthur both catch it.

They slide away through the long peeling tube.

Humboldt is unseated in the turmoil.

A fellow surfer paddles over.

Bad luck dude, she says. You missed it. Wanna wait with me for the next one? I'll give you some pointers.

Thank you, says Humboldt. It's my first time.

Then you shouldn't be out here, says the surfer.

Well, I am. Just give me the pointers, while nothing's happening, says Humboldt.

Okay, she says. Surfers code. Never turn your back on the ocean.

What? says Humboldt. Never turn your back on the ocean? Am I facing the wrong way?

No, that's the CODE, dickhead, says the surfer. It means courage.

Another one's coming, says Humboldt. What do I do?

Stand up, says the surfer. Front foot on the chest line, back foot placed so that your legs are just wider than shoulder width. Keep your knees bent at all times. Like this... see....!

She has caught it. She glides rapidly away.

Humboldt, the new chum, catches the next one.

Awesomely he arrives at the rocky shoreline where Arthur (the reliable) is nursing a badly gashed knee.

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