Monday, June 4, 2018

Notable Exceptions

Inside the reheatable plastic container.

I'll get you up to speed, says Gastro. My name is Gastro. I was so-named by Arthur.

We know Arthur, says his frog sibling. We owe our lives to him.

All hail Arthur, says the other frog sibling.

I think you have the wrong idea about Arthur, says Gastro. As I heard it, he threw you away.

NO! cry the frog siblings.

They will not believe it.

Buzz has now reached the second bus stop where the others are camping.

Did you find them ? asks Simon.

Yes, says Buzz. It was easy.

Let's see them, says Lydia.

Buzz whips off the lid of the reheatable plastic container.

Gastro hops out, confident.

The frog siblings linger.

Yes, says Simon. They are siblings. And they all seem to have been modified by the excess dose of pool salt. I wonder if we should abort the mission. What do you think Gaius?

What would that entail? asks Gaius. They are already re-located.

True, says Simon. But is there any point in monitoring their progress? I mean really? It's the normal Riobamban tree frogs that we're trying to save, not these guys. All their fellow tadpoles died. It's bad odds.

Do we get a say? asks Gastro.

Sorry no, says Simon. This is eco-science. Tight budget. Where would you like us to leave you?

With Arthur, says one of the frog siblings.

He's gone up Chimborazo, says Tilly.

We know, says the other frog sibling.

Two of your fellow frogs died up there already, says Gaius. I suggest you wait here until he comes back down, tomorrow.

So it's over, says Buzz. Does that mean we can climb Chimborazo?

I suppose so, says Simon. You, Tilly and Lydia can go up in the morning. I'll head back to Riobamba and see if we can hook up with the guys in Imbabura. Meanwhile, we'll sleep here tonight.



Gastro and his siblings try to sleep in the plastic container.

It's hard. They hear rumbling.

Is it Chimborazo awakening?

No, it's the belly of Saint Roley, who is sleeping nearby.

The siblings remember that they have a bone to pick with Saint Roley.

Gastro, wake up! We believe Saint Roley has eaten our three tadpole brothers.

Why wait till NOW to mention it? asks Gastro.

We forgot, says one of the siblings. But now we remember. Listen to his belly.

It's not proof, says Gastro. And in any case Saint Roley believes that we are all brothers. He would never eat anything living.

(He does not know that there have been one or two notable exceptions).

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