Monday, June 11, 2018


Wraaack-ack! says Gastro, at the bus stop.

Gaius looks down.

Still here? says Gaius. Is there a problem?

Before we go off and start a new life in these mountain fields, say Gastro, we need one question answered.

What is it? asks Gaius. Be brief.  I see a bus coming.

My two siblings here want to know if they're male or female, says Gastro.

It's not us wanting to know it, says one sibling. It's YOU.

Let me see, says Gaius. Yes, this one has a dorsal pouch, She is a female. The other one, hmm, has some sort of unusual flap.

Should this be alarming?

The tree frogs wait for more information.

What do you think, Humboldt? asks Gaius. I should value your opinion.

Humboldt bends down, partly losing his balance, due to the lack of one shoe.

Steady, says Gaius.

The bus! says Pauline, waving it down.

The large one has the same unusual flap, says Humboldt. I'm afraid I don't....

The bus stops.

Get on, says Pauline. The buses don't come all that often.

What to do?

Would you consider coming with us after all? says Gaius. We could investigate further.

Decision time.

Gastro says: NO.

Pauline, Gaius and Humboldt get on the bus to Riobamba.

The frogs stay behind.

Now what? says the female. I'm stuck here with two guys with unusual flaps. I might be the last of my line.

And the first of a new one, says Gastro.

You're an optimist, says the other unusual flap guy. I would have gone on the bus with the scientists.

So wait for the next one, says Gastro.

Arthur and Sweezus arrive at the bus stop, in time to see the bus disappearing.

Shit. Missed it. says Sweezus.

Now's your chance, says Gastro, nudging the flapped sibling.

Sweezus and Arthur sit down on a rock at the bus stop.

Flap creeps over.

Excuse me.

Sweezus is talking to Arthur about bike knicks and jerseys.

They will need to get new ones.

Wraaack- ack! says Flap.

Another frog, says Sweezus. What's up, froggy? Whoa! You look weird-arsed. Take a look, bro.

Arthur looks at Flap's flap.

Apart from his flap, Flap looks quite normal. Plump, green on top, like a mossy pebble, dark oblong patches, quite smooth, a creamy underside, grainy-looking, a small head, brown eyes, wide mouth on a rounded snout, short legs, and soft pads on the toe tips.

How about.... cream bike knicks and a green and brown jersey, with a dark oblong back flap for drinks? says Arthur.

Genius! says Sweezus. I like it. How'd you come up with that?

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