Monday, February 17, 2020

Not All Red Not All Knowing

Now, says Gaius. It's your decision. Terence.

Why did you say Now? asks Terence.

Because now you have asked all the questions, so you're able to make an informed decision, says Gaius.

Yes, says Alexander-Groovy. I hope you'll choose me.

Don't worry I will, says Terence.

That's exactly why I said Now, says Gaius. Now means, you need to think carefully.

I am thinking carefully, says Terence. Two of the boy crabs aren't in it. That leaves Alexander-Groovy.

We protest, says Alexander-Red-Hook. We're still in it.

Well, says Terence, the reason you aren't in it is because you're lying in breakfast bowls and that means you're lazy.

Ah! says Gaius. And there was me thinking you were biased against females.

And there was us thinking the same, says Alexander-Red-Hook.

Now Terence..... begins Gaius

What now? says Terence.

I want you think of the different qualities that the crabs have shown in their answers, not just which bowls they have chosen.

What's a quality? asks Terence.

I'm pleased that you asked, says Gaius. What's your favourite creature?

A parrot, says Terence.

Describe your ideal parrot, says Gaius.

Jinjing, says Terence.

What is Jinjing LIKE? asks Gaius.

Missing, says Terence. Where is he?

Apart from that, persists Gaius.

It's difficult to direct Terence's thinking.

He knows everything, says Terence. And he's red.

He isn't entirely red, says Gaius. And he doesn't know everything. But you're on the right track.

Red, says Alexander-Red-Hook. That's my favourite colour. That's why I chose Red Hook as my font.

You're picked, says Terence.

Alexander-Red-Hook is delighted.

Congratulations darling, says Alexander-Yellowsun. Don't forget me.

And don't forget me, says Alexander-Groovy, offering a claw.

So Gaius has obtained the result he was hoping for.

A good effort by all.

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