Sunday, May 29, 2022

Best Noise Competition

Ready for contest three? asks Graceful.

Ninjas and Tarti indicate they are ready.

How will you run this? asks Gaius. Who should judge the best noise?

How about him? says Graceful, pointing at Wittgenstein.

What's this? says Wittgenstein.

We're up to Best Noises, says Gaius. Are you capable of judging which team is superior?

I don't know, says Wittgenstein. What constitutes a good noise? And what makes one better?

I know! says Terence.

You may know, says Graceful, but you won't be judging.

How about we all vote? says Letitia.

There'll still be a bias, says Graceful.

Against us, says one ninja. 

A blind vote, says Gaius.

Okay, says Graceful. Is everyone happy?

Yes, everyone is happy.

Judges, close your eyes, says Graceful.

Gaius, Wittgenstein, Katherine, Terence, Letitia and Roo-kai close their eyes.

So does Graceful.

First contestant! announces Graceful.

Several competing frog noise are heard.

One at a time! says Graceful, keeping her eyes closed. Draw lots or something. 

No need, says Quiet-Tartus. I'll point to one of us at random.

He points to himself.

After a short interval, he makes the first noise:

Gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh.... 

He stops, and points to a ninja.

Ruuuurk ruuurk ruurk ruurk ruurk .... goes the ninja.

Quiet-Tartus points to the second ninja.

Ruuuurk ruuurk ruurk ruurk ruurk..... goes the second ninja.

They sounded exactly the same, says Wittgenstein. 

Are you LOOKING? asks Graceful.

No of course not, says Wittgenstein.

The point is to judge between Screamers and Bleaters, says Katherine. Obviously we have just heard two Bleaters. Or two Screamers. Members of the same species would naturally sound the same.

Correct, says Letitia.

No more interruptions! says Graceful. There is one more contestant to listen to.

Shorty-Tartus knows this is his one chance to shine.

He inflates his yellow vocal sac almost to bursting.

He will out-do his team mate, Quiet-Tartus, and be the winner.

Gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh, gree-uh.....

He tried. But it sounded the same.

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