Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Paradise From The Top

Terence drinks his beetroot juice quickly.

He now has red lips.

Was it nice? asks Katherine.

Yes, says Terence. Can I have another one?

No dear, says Katherine. Too much beetroot juice might be harmful.

Not for me, says Terence.

Especially for you, says Gaius. Beetroot is not recommended for those with stone problems.

I didn't think of that, says Katherine.

I don't have stone problems, says Terence.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Terence is made of cement. That's not stone.

Nevertheless, says Gaius. One should err on the safe side.

Err? says Terence. Does that mean you're still deciding?

Ha ha! laughs Wittgenstein. That's not what err means.

Sometimes it's what err means, says Terence. Like when you don't know and say err.

He's right, says Sweezus. I say err often.

All right, says Wittgenstein. I'll concede that one might well say err when deciding, but in this case err was used to mean make an error.

Thank you, says Gaius. Now we've sorted that out. 

The seafood platters arrive, with the beer and the salads.

Everyone tucks in.

Except for Terence who is not happy.

He slips off his stool and walks out of the Surf Life Saving Clubhouse.

Roo-kai is waiting outside.

Why are you wearing red lipstick? asks Roo-kai.

Am I ? asks Terence. Maybe I do have stone problems. 

Cement problems, says Roo-kai. My guess is you've had a bright red drink, and the dye has soaked in.

Wah! cries Terence. Does that mean I'll have red lips forever?

No such luck, says Roo-kai.

It's the perfect answer for Terence.

I love you, says Terence.

This is unexpected, says Roo-kai. I was starting to think I was surplus to requirements.

Yes, says Terence. You truly are the best surplus to my requirements.

Thank you, Terence, says Roo-kai. How about we climb Elephant Rock together? I believe you can see all the way to Surfers Paradise, from the top.

This is getting better and better.

Terence would love to see Surfers Paradise, from the top!

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