Wednesday, June 7, 2023

He's A Practical Guy

Look at this, says Sweezus. Gaius sent it.

Arthur looks at the photo.

Terence climbing a tree, says Sweezus. Kind of weirdly.

It's a fake, says Arthur. He's being held up.

Shit yeah, says Sweezus. Gaius is good. Freakin big tree, too.

And a possum, says Arthur. They must've found one.

Cool, says Sweezus. They'll be happy. I might give them a call.

He calls Gaius.

Hello? says Gaius. How did you like the photo?

Awesome, says Sweezus. 

Terence wasn't really climbing the tree, says Gaius. We made it look....What?.... Sorry.... Terence wants a word.

Yeah, put him on, says Sweezus.

I WAS climbing the tree, says Terence. 

Sure looked like it, little buddy, says Sweezus. 

I knew you'd believe me, says Terence.

And I see Gaius found a possum, says Sweezus. 

We all found him, says Terence. And his parents, and his cousin, and his parents. And guess what?

What? asks Sweezus. 

They're called Banjo, says Terence. 

All of them? asks Sweezus.

Not the parents, says Terence. Old ones don't have their own names.

No kidding, says Sweezus. I bet Gaius wrote that down in his notebook.

His pencils got broken, says Terence. He had to use an apple core.

He's a practical guy, says Sweezus.

Like me, says Terence. I fixed the drone.

Who broke it? asks Sweezus.

It broke itself, says Terence. When it crashed into a tree. Me and Easter Morning were making a movie.

Who's Easter Morning? asks Sweezus. 

The star of the movie, says Terence. He's in the photo, on the tree.

Sweezus looks again at the photo.

Yeah. Easter Morning must be the skink. The possum is Banjo.

Far out! says Sweezus. You've got a whole gang there! Are you bringing them home?

Only Squatty, says Terence. Not the others. They're not allowed

Fair enough. Hey, can I talk to Gaius again? asks Sweezus.

Okay, says Terence.

Hello? says Gaius. I'm low on battery, better make it brief.

Team Condor needs an extra rider, says Sweezus. We lost Pablo.

My deepest condolences, says Gaius.

He's not dead, says Sweezus. He joined a new team.

Dear me, says Gaius. I suppose these things happen. But I can't help you. Pierre-Louis and I have just signed up with Vello.

No worries, says Sweezus. If you think of someone else, let me know.

What about Marx? says Gaius. We'll be returning his blanket. I could ask him.

Too old, says Sweezus. Forget it. 

Crackle crackle.

What did you say? asks Gaius.... Drat! The battery's died!

What was that about Marx? asks Pierre-Louis.

He might have a place in Team Condor, says Gaius.

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